Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a Year

What a difference a year makes. What an addition a baby makes to complete a family.

Here's me a little more than a year ago:

Tess-a-Bess arrives:

She is loved by Sister:

And by Boo:

And Mommy (Daddy too!):

She gets clean (1 mos):

And sleeps (6 weeks - there's Daddy!):

And smiles (2mos):

And plays at the pool (3mos):

And has fun (4mos):

And plays (5mos):

And makes us laugh (6mos):

And gets presents (7mos):

And tries new food (8mos):

And plays at the pool (9mos):

And plays at another pool (10mos):

And goes to the zoo (11mos):

And plays outside (11.5 mos)

And celebrates her birthday (12mos!):

Happy Birthday to the best baby a family ever had, what would we do without our Tess-a-Bess. She is clever, sweet, smart, adorable, hilarious, easily entertained and just about the most squeezable thing you've ever seen. We love our Tess-a-Bess!


  1. so perfect! happy bday tess!!!

  2. HURRAY for birthdays! What a lucky lil girl she is to have such a loving family! A big sister and a big brother - it doesn't get much better than that! xoxo

  3. Happy Birthday Tess!!

  4. Tess won't mind if I'm a little late with my birthday wishes. She is beautiful!
