Sunday, May 17, 2009

What a Year

What a difference a year makes. What an addition a baby makes to complete a family.

Here's me a little more than a year ago:

Tess-a-Bess arrives:

She is loved by Sister:

And by Boo:

And Mommy (Daddy too!):

She gets clean (1 mos):

And sleeps (6 weeks - there's Daddy!):

And smiles (2mos):

And plays at the pool (3mos):

And has fun (4mos):

And plays (5mos):

And makes us laugh (6mos):

And gets presents (7mos):

And tries new food (8mos):

And plays at the pool (9mos):

And plays at another pool (10mos):

And goes to the zoo (11mos):

And plays outside (11.5 mos)

And celebrates her birthday (12mos!):

Happy Birthday to the best baby a family ever had, what would we do without our Tess-a-Bess. She is clever, sweet, smart, adorable, hilarious, easily entertained and just about the most squeezable thing you've ever seen. We love our Tess-a-Bess!

Friday, May 8, 2009


After all my hard work and submissions, I have finally been recognized here. I knew my day would come!

*Thanks to my wonderful mother-in-law Trina for the acknowledgement!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Booisms II

Boo is four going on five, going on 45 sometimes. Today was definitely one of those days. Some things heard coming out of Boo's mouth:

"Mom, do you have a baby in your tummy again?" Said in front of his teacher and all the moms in the preschool line. Awesome. Damn you fashionable baby doll tops, you are the enemy of women in their fertile years everywhere. Damn you Easter candy, no amount of running in the world can wipe out single-person-consumption of a giant size bag of Robin's Eggs.

"So mom, if you did have a baby, would it come out of your adult vagina?" Thankfully he gets the clue that young people shouldn't have babies. Yes, I've taught my kids things early. Yes, I have reinforced the concept of talking about these things in the privacy of our home.

"Today is my imaginary brother Tom's birthday. He was 16, but now he is 17" Scratch that about the boy knowing that young people having babies. Ok, ok, I wouldn't have been that young. Oh, and in case your wondering, Tom rides a motorcycle.